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RS Blog 23 - More Shiny Stuff Arrived
DetmersDesign Company DetmersDesign Company

RS Blog 23 - More Shiny Stuff Arrived

Always a good day when racecar parts arrive and allow you to sit in the car finally making vroom vroom noises! The Tillett seat is great.

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RS Blog 22 - Wires and more
DetmersDesign Company DetmersDesign Company

RS Blog 22 - Wires and more

Blue shell of wiring hit me…. Adventure of limitless options to configure the chassis and engine electron controls.

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RS Blog 17 - Holy Haltech Batman!
DetmersDesign Company DetmersDesign Company

RS Blog 17 - Holy Haltech Batman!

Wiring fun. Reinventing the entire chassis and engine harness to fit the project goals. Quite tedious, but worth it for final product… I assume I won’t go insane.

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RS Blog 16 - Little More Fitting Before Wiring
DetmersDesign Company DetmersDesign Company

RS Blog 16 - Little More Fitting Before Wiring

Attaching hardware and sorting out things. Keeping the incremental progress going. Big items, radiator mounted, header mocked up, hubs and rotors investigated for wheel speed sensors.

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RS Blog 15 - Butt Holders and Foot Levers
DetmersDesign Company DetmersDesign Company

RS Blog 15 - Butt Holders and Foot Levers

Buckets and Pedals. The path to a cozy home of speed. Carbon fiber makes everything nicer…. or maybe that is lighter. Either way I’ve been working on stuff inside the cockpit.

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RS Blog 12 - Panel Insulation
DetmersDesign Company DetmersDesign Company

RS Blog 12 - Panel Insulation

Insulation in a racecar??? Blasphemy or something like that. It is a streetcar people and I will be driving to the track and want to not go crazy.

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RS Blog 9 - Fitting the First Hardware
DetmersDesign Company DetmersDesign Company

RS Blog 9 - Fitting the First Hardware

Putting in some hardware and mocking up new brake pedal to improve pedal ratios. We shall see how this works out, so far it is promising.

From 3.3 to 4.5 (goal of 5.0)

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RS Blog 5 - Rivets and Drilling Holes
DetmersDesign Company DetmersDesign Company

RS Blog 5 - Rivets and Drilling Holes

Making those panels fit perfectly. I do enjoy the methodic nature of this work, but am eager to get into some other stuff like suspension and wiring. Things with more margin for error…

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RS Blog 4 - Fitting Cockpit Panels
DetmersDesign Company DetmersDesign Company

RS Blog 4 - Fitting Cockpit Panels

Making those first cuts and fitments. The start of a long slow road of measure twice, think about it, measure again, think about it and finally cut a little. Eventually I’ll get comfortable.

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