RS Blog 20 - Brake Pedal!

Continuing work through wire mockup to ensure electrons make it to the correct destinations without letting out any magic smoke. Chipping away a bit each day helps keep up motivation. Oh and getting the custom brake pedal delivered.

2 Feet In Fabrication was able to bring my CAD design into reality. Thank you Andrew!

Top: My pedal with 5:1 ratio

Bottom: Factory pedal with 3.3:1 ratio

Few key details about my design:

  • Implemented with bronze oiled bushings to ensure smooth operation and ease of replacement after worn. Stock steel on steel parts may last longer before becoming damaged, but are harder to replace than pressing in/out a bushing.

  • Improved pedal ratio increases leverage by ~50%

  • No modification to chassis or stock pedal box

  • Threaded locking insert for pedal pad installation to ensure solid attachment.

Interested Ultima owners please reach out. I’d love to share with the community after I get through some testing. This is a critical part that needs stress testing. I imagine it should fit in all cars, but would appreciate your cars pedal area dimensions.

Complete brake pedal upgrade along with extra oiled brass bushings for the clutch and gas pedal to replace the factory provided steel ones.


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