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Thunderhill Backwards!
DetmersDesign Company DetmersDesign Company

Thunderhill Backwards!

Running the 'wrong' way around this track. Term of the day was sketchy, all turns just felt unstable or unsighted. Very fun to drive it this way, but completely understand why they typically don't.

Great event with SpeedSF

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Miata Reunion 2023
DetmersDesign Company DetmersDesign Company

Miata Reunion 2023

Another year another Miata Reunion in the bag. Fun weekend with new and old friends.

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Overland Bound Miata
DetmersDesign Company DetmersDesign Company

Overland Bound Miata

This adventure starts from failure. Perseverance succeeds and we are able to meander our way to Redmond Oregon for Overland Expo.

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Weekend Racing a Rotary - LDRL 2022
DetmersDesign Company DetmersDesign Company

Weekend Racing a Rotary - LDRL 2022

I knew fuel was going to be our nemesis over the weekend, but didn’t think it would be in this way. Finding out the hard way the simplest idea is likely the solution.

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Swapping cars in shop
DetmersDesign Company DetmersDesign Company

Swapping cars in shop

When you need some extra hands to move your latest project car…invite friends over for a BBQ. More Ultima progress.

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Her name was Candy
DetmersDesign Company DetmersDesign Company

Her name was Candy

Another Mazda has entered my life, even if briefly. Candy is a beast and I’m privileged to work on her. Thanks for the trust Cam.

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Day Trip to Point Reyes
DetmersDesign Company DetmersDesign Company

Day Trip to Point Reyes

California roads, sunshine, friends and brunch. Oh and Formula Un in the evening. Pretty great stress-free Saturday.

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Laguna Seca on Two Wheels
DetmersDesign Company DetmersDesign Company

Laguna Seca on Two Wheels

Another great weekend of bicycles at the race track. Wandering around the whole facility and finding out how out of shape I am!

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