2024 OG Gambler in the Vanbler

It’s that time of year to make questionable automotive decisions with my fellow friends of off road shit boxes. This year I’ll be riding shotgun with Chad and Justin to explore the wild blue yonder of Oregon’s center. Encountering wild Karen’s, wet creeks and dusty loud campsites.

Our first major obstacle

Mild pile of snow…. Justin successfully navigated around it after a little effort. Nothing the Vanbler cannot accomplish.

Let’s Go!!!

Remainder of the trip up to Redmond was relatively uneventful. Just some scenic views along highway 97 near Upper Klamath Lake.


Time to get lost and explore

Had a great day with Justin and Chad. Lots to explore in Oregon!

Next time we need to find another place maybe further north since I’ve been to Tumelo Falls twice now. New adventures are always more exciting than rehashing old ones. Only a few minor inconviences, first was just that Chad kept leading us to dead ends. Another was finding a wild forest Karen, insisting we had broken her gate yesterday and was trespassing. Promising us she had 17 camera’s around her property in the forest and we were on the vids. Don’t mind we are the only Toyota Sienna roaming around that we know about and weren’t even near Deschutes National Forest yesterday. After a few minutes of her accusations, Justin was able to get through to her we were just exploring and were sympathetic to her frustrations. We just wanted to find the best way out with trespassing (we never crossed onto her land….before or after). Some people are just gonna be angry regardless of reality. She ended up providing no guidance about avoiding her property and getting out of the area. We proceeded to go on another adventure from Chad’s questionable/excellent navigation.



Boosted Baja Miata’s first outing


RS Blog 23 - More Shiny Stuff Arrived