Ulitma-te Arrival

After more than 16 months of first sending my payments to a Nigerian prince (not really, but it felt that way at times) it finally arrived. It is so exiting to finally receive my box of parts to create my dream car. Long ago I learned about the Ultima GTR and assumed it wouldn’t be possible or at least would take much longer to achieve. Over the years they have made revisions and currently their flagship is the RS. After reaching some level of financial stability I was able to order one, finally I can say I have an Ultima.

Best delivery ever

Box was a little smaller than I expected as shipping details noted it was approximately 20’ long. I guess the car isn’t that long and thus its box is short too.

I very much wonder how it is organized inside….

The crate survived its first ‘crash’ as the shipper dropped it the last foot, enjoy the video below and cringe along with me.

As this was my first ever shipping crate I had no clue which parts to remove first. Initially thinking I would need a pry bar to rip off the boards. Learning quickly that each side was attached via hundreds of screws. Breaking out the power tools to make quick work. Then I learned shortly after crates should have their top removed first. No harm was done luckily.

Ultima Reveal

At this point we realized the top support slats were resting on the body and worked to support then remove each one by one. For future note, top off first, then slats, then a side!

Other note, they are very efficient at packing these cars and all the parts. Now was the fun of uncovering and seeing how the orange shines in California sun!

At this point I promptly wandered around and stared at everything; looking under the wheel wells, opening doors, enjoying all the little details and craftmanship. The factory fitment option was definitely worth it. Some body lines will likely need minor adjustments but overall they look great. Enjoy the gallery of various pictures. I was waiting until Humble (Blunicorn’s owner) could show up and teach me the ways of unboxing.

Humble to the rescue! So very grateful for all his help during the ordering process and now for the unboxing. The car community is full of wonderful and helpful people. Looking forward to soon rolling down the road with Blunicorn.

Dinner break while waiting for more friends to help lift the chassis and center body as one piece. Yummy sushi.

Tucking away all the parts and pieces for the evening. I cannot wait to open each and every box, inventory all the great things. There is lots of carbon fiber to oogle.

At the end of the evening we had a standoff from local wildlife! Watch out Colleen, he has his eye on you.

A big thanks to everyone that made Wednesday night smooth and helped moving larger parts with care. This car is going to be a great adventure and will have many days involving friends along the way! Until the next post.

Colleen - Humble - Kai & Amanda - Brandon & Stephanie - Ben


Swapping cars in shop


Candy has a heartbeat