Adding Lightness to the Morgan Harness
Today was finally the day to start cutting off extra wires that a tiny little wooden frame Morgan just doesn’t need. Always satisfying to reduce clutter. All in all I removed around 4 pounds today. While it doesn’t feel like much, any extra wires under the Morgan dash will eat up non-existent space.
Wasteful Wiring
I’m confident Mazda has a reason for this, but the wire in my hand has a source in the fuse block (blue tape roll), which first wanders over to the junction on the far side (green tape roll) then back to me. This makes zero sense other than convenience. Lucky for us I am cutting out that wire and saving weight.
Make it safe
Whenever cutting apart an existing wiring harness you need to ensure the wire ends will not accidentally come into contact with a ground, other wire or you!
Simplest and most efficient way I have found is merely to use liquid electrical tape on the newly exposed ends. Everything will end up in a protective loom so I don’t worry about it coming off. Handy and saves headaches later.
Adding Lightness
Hard to see, but this is the cooling fan and A/C fan source wire (blue/yellow in middle of green tape). When running A/C it is connected to a relay on the far side of the harness. We aren’t using A/C so we can save that wire making the long journey via a shorter splice.
Three pounds, 13.4 ounces. A solid amount of wiring removed. Still have plenty to remove via battery cables and a bit of wire shortening.
Above is the end of today’s effort. Many less wire tails and more importantly less confusion later during installation in the Morgan. Next step is to layout lengths from my previous measurements and reorganized the wires to make a nice harness for Lynn.
Mess of removed items in a pile on the left. Another perk is being able to save the firewall rubber boots. Hopefully we can leverage them during installation.
Until next time!