RS Blog 5 - Rivets and Drilling Holes

Not in that order, but many many repetitions of those two tasks. Fitting the interior aluminum panels takes way more time than any suspension, engine builds or general work on cars. I highly don’t recommend it. Haha.

Primary Focus - Panel Alignment

Before drilling any of the holes my goal was to ensure each panel is as perfectly aligned as possible, using as many clamps as possible. I’m trying to think about the ‘stretch’ and movement of panels as I continue to work around them. They are a few feet in length and little errors can quickly grow. Meaning many double and triple checks before messing up my ultimate adult lego with some assembly required. The general theme for every panel follows this protocol (right or wrong, I’m an engineer not a fabricator):

  1. Fit panel as closely as possible with clamps, making adjustments to reliefs as needed with multiple removals and test fits

  2. Aim for perfect alignment, checking level to the upper chassis bar, as per Ultima instructions.

  3. Looking at the panel and deciding on the first holes.

    1. For rear bulkhead I wanted to ensure it stayed centered so started with centerline holes

    2. For side panels I’d like to minimize visible panel gaps so started at the upper rear corner were they meet up to the bulkhead

  4. After a starting rivet hole is drilled…realign the panel for level and squareness

  5. Drill another hole part way down the panel to utilize leverage and minimize errors from clamps shifting

  6. Start working along the panel, clamping then inserting a cleco as I go

Checking Panel Fitment

So far all the panels have been turning out very nicely, over the entire cockpit I’ve been able to keep all rivets aligned to somewhere around 1/16” (1.5mm) maybe closer. Confirmed out of curiosity with a laser level…because why not.

I don’t plan to bore anyone with more posts on my drilling of holes, you already get the idea. I’ll save the next post for a full panel fitment with finished things and shiny aluminum. Still debating whether I will rivet in parts now or wait until I finish some other part fitment. Keeping protective plastic on until I am actually ready to remove it all. Also gives me the flexibility to take things off for additionally holes in case I need one or more.

Either way…more to follow!


New Project Car - One of the Twins


Why?….Rod do you knock on my door at the worst times.