Chasing Tidy Wires

The original goal for this project is coming to an end. During testing and tuning I prefer to keep the loom easily accessible in the event of a wiring error (I am only human).

Today begins the final cleansing of wires.

  • wire mess….check

  • wire loom…..check

  • sanity………….check for now

Yes this is a mess

All part of the plan, most wires are proper length and just need sheathing.

Others are down right too long and will be trimmed and crimped into a bundle. I kept the 5V and signal grounds long and used eyelets to allow flexibility during testing.

An array of different loom sizes with plenty of excess to ensure I’ve got this covered.

Okay so I got a bit annoyed with the mess I left myself. Should have installed a terminal block earlier….

Goal for the terminal block is to all flexibility for any future needs and also provide me a spot for each set of voltage sources and grounds. Keeping them clean and independent.

More to come in the next few days when the part arrives….


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