McLaren Key Tool

Even super cars have keys to get in when the key fob dies. Unfortunately they are tiny little keys that live in the key fob until that ‘key’ moment…

The factory offers an aluminum holder for them, but it doesn’t hold the key too well. Begin the design challenge. First iterations essentially just held the key without much ergonomics or ease of use in mind. After a few revisions I ended at a simple yet elegant 3d printed solution which securely held a key via a hook and provided instructions on lock location.

Tried to reach out to McLaren headquarters to see if they were interested with no luck making a connection. At the end of the day I made a handful for Colleen (gf) who needed them on a regular basis while working at McLaren and some of her clients.

At the end of the day it was a great opportunity to solve a problem.


Wilwood Brake Biaser

