Mor(gan) Wiring

Or more correctly…unwiring. I’ve been working through the loom slowly to un-tape and un-tape and then un-tape some more. A very tedious effort, but important for the next to try and understand this car’s wiring. I hate tracing down a wire or two just to find they are taped up in the loom and do nothing. The answer is to slowly open up the OEM harness and remove anything not necessary or unlikely to be used in the application. We are saving some items, but a Morgan is never going to have an air bag safety system so I can comfortably hack it out.

Tonight is just another short session (~45 minutes) to remove what feels like miles of tape. I work in shorter sessions to keep my sanity. Tomorrow and Sunday should be lots of progress as I’ve almost finished with tape.

I wonder what Mazda hid in here….

Yup this is a Mazda and not a McLaren. Useless wiring loop… Just tape it up!

During the wiring fun of gutting a harness I enjoy seeing how much weight I’ve saved. This can be significant for some vehicles. For my race prepped miata I removed about 40 pounds of wires from the stock harness. Very helpful for already lightweight cars.

Adding lightness!

For reference this engine harness alone weights 22 lbs. I’ll check when I am finished, but bet I’ll carve out 5-10 pounds.

Progress for the evening. Right side engine bay of loom is tapeless!

Back at it tomorrow…


Tech Tip - Fuel Line Tool


Displacement Has Arrived