BajaXL Day 3 - Bahia De Los Angeles to Bahia De Concepcion

Testing the strength of our skid plate… turns out it wasn’t strong enough.

Fuck you red rock. Yeah you know who you are. The one that stabbed into the oil pan and make the Miata skip off like a damn rock across a lake!?!?

Overall the day was very fun and ended at camp with all engine parts still intact.

Start the Day

Listening to the drivers meeting because of course we are professionals and worthy of winning the race…..

The proceeded to get pulled out by Keith because the night before we chose our campsite via loss of movement. Anyways it was a good morning and we knew some higher speed sections were coming with gorgeous scenes along the coast.

The day was expected to be quite a long trip away from any fuel stops so our first order of business after leaving camp was to fuel up. Meaning a short trip back into town. Ended up meeting another off road excursion company, EXO, and chatting for awhile, its always good to make new friends while in the middle of nowhere Baja.

Chad, Trevor, Michael (me), Colleen, Keith, Garrett, Ashley, Julianne

Enjoying a Small Beach

Keith being Keith… lol


We were having a blast running through sand ruts and trying to dodge rocks, some of them bouncing off the various parts of undercarriage. Eventually our skill of rock identification (or more correctly luck) ran out. There was a big ass red rock over a drop that I had no chance to dodge while plowing along at 40 mph. Turns out it cracked the oil pan.. The rest of the day required a constant oil level inspection to ensure we would make it to camp.

Into the Night

This was another very very long day. We (mostly Keith) helped Garrett in his broken Jeep get back into town. This consisted of around 50 miles of towing. Yes Keith towing another Jeep with his Vic, just another day off-roading for him. At this time we were all getting tired and stopped taking any pictures or videos.

Making our way into the next town took a few hours, once on the highway I ran lead with spot lights, Keith towing the Jeep and Chad running chase with his awesome lights. We found our way into the local AutoZone to check out our cars and leave Garrett and Ashley to find a motel.

From here we worked on putting in many miles to the next camp, trading stories and fun musicals via HAM radios. Joining up with Chris somewhere along the way. After a very tiring day of towing, checking oil and general challenges we made it to camp.

FYI we do not recommend driving tired at night in Baja. The roads are narrow, trucks are flying and basically no margin for error.



BajaXL Day 4 - Bahia De Concepcion to Las Cruces


BajaXL Day 2 - Diablo Canyon to Bahia De Los Angeles