So….somehow we haven’t wrecked or blown up the car, which means we get to race it again!

From an interesting turn in weather we expected a bit of rain during the first session or at least prior to the first session leading to a wet track. I was nominated as the least likely to crash during these potentially slippery times and the drivers schedule for the day was determined.

Michael (me) - I’m normally patient and responsible with the car. Thus I get to drive in the wet conditions.

Cam - Experienced in adverse race conditions of spec piñata. Google will show you the fun… He would follow up assuming there was any slick spots left.

David - Once the car was warm and track conditions perfect we planned to hand it over to him

Xin - Goal of finishing the race for us

Look at our majestic steed! Still in one piece on Sunday morning.

I never learned to smile properly… Just before getting into the car.

Danny, Mom, me

Starting Grid

Theme of the morning

There were a large number of yellow flags and safety cars during the first part of my session. The track was still a bit slippery, but it gave me the change to test grip at various points around track. Once they were cleared up I entered attack mode…

Tip for those out in yellows caused by rain. Go explore the track, find where there is grip or not. It will give you the advantage at green. Drive way off line or over the curbs.

Ended up posting the fast lap for our car at a 2:07.868, good enough for #14 fastest of the field. Giving me the confidence to make some nice passes outside and inside on all corners. Giving a bit of tail wiggle while I get by them.

I probably shouldn’t have gone for this pass, but hey I had to #sendit and it worked.

Some Paddock Fun

There are always interesting cars off the track, sometimes that is merely because they are broken or penalized race cars.

Great on board footage from Cam. An example of what other drivers can and will do, even if they don’t realize it. Always be aware of the final outcome of a pass opportunity.

During the final laps of the race Xin ended up being followed by eye-sore racing (take a guess which it is)… We kept thinking just let them by it isn’t our race! He did well to stay mostly clean and bring it home.

We will see you next time! Be aware of the chalk board E30 and its team.


Another Delay
