BajaXL Day 5- Las Cruces to Playa Los Cerritos

Trusts Miata…Proceeds to break Miata again!

After a successful oil pan patch we are comfortable to abuse her again. This time I didn’t realize how far nor how remote we would end up. Nor that we would find random town of retired Americans, presumably lost. Lol.

Leveraging peer pressure, new oil and full of tacos we were ready to hit the trails.

Step one for today was to wake up on a gorgeous beach!

Thanks Chad and Trevor for eating my sand while helping me out!

After this little push we were free and headed into town for some food and repairs.

Chad needed to replace the tire that he bought in San Felipe which already had a bunch of patches.

I needed to replace the oil because well it was pitch black. Kinda not great because I couldn’t remember if it was replaced pre-baja. Oops.

Baja Lube Express in La Paz provided excellent service including having Liqui Moly oil. Should provide extra duty protection in the upcoming days for the poor engine. Thanks again Enrique and team for the great service and letting me down into the pit for inspecting my subframe.

If you’re in La Paz and need lube, check them out.

More Exploring!!!!!


More Exploring!!!!! 〰️

Yes those were cliffs and yes our trio of misfits passed a number of actual capable rigs. Don’t mind the hood up, I was just running a bit warm and decided to let the engine cool instead of warp a head. By warm I mean like 215 °F so not really that bad, but ya know….

This area was very pretty and then led to a randomly paved road. No clue why they spent time or money to pave a road to now where, but it was enjoyed. Leading us into a small village/town of Buena Vista, containing many American’s clearly lost in Baja.

As the sun went down the skyline migrated towards a gorgeous scene. This was the end of the day’s travels so pictures started becoming fewer and further between. We did meet a friendly burro before leaving the sands of Cabo. Eventually we made our way through a scene of Jurassic park, take a look at the time-lapse video below!

Towards the tail end of the trail we were going mostly full send trying to make it to El Cerritos, upon returning to pavement we hit the transition hard enough to throw an engine code, specifically the knock sensor, oops… Cleared code and safely arrived at our first hotel of the trip.

Last piece of road to explore before getting to our hotel in Los Cerritos. Enjoy the crazy time-lapse in the dark.


BajaXL Day 6 - Los Cerritos


BajaXL Day 4 - Bahia De Concepcion to Las Cruces