996 Turbo Wiring Again & Tuning!

The project that seems to love being a project?

With other projects at bay for the short second, I’m tackling the wiring adaption back to OEM pin outs and plugs. This will make any future mods or changes easier and gets it back on the road. Not too much excitement here as I’m mostly splicing 100 wires that are all critical for the engines performance and health.

Quick little gallery noting some progress.

Working with Emre to tune the Syvek S7 has been a very pleasant experience even if quite strange to watch him tune via AnyDesk on my laptop while we text. Very good attention to detail has allowed great progress.

First finding our fuel pressure was excessive. Unsure if this is a new problem or merely something the previous tuning never addressed. Was running around 8 bar (~110 psi) with the pair of pumps in parallel, taking out one dropped pressures down to 6 bar (85 psi). Still ridiculous…. After a bit of poking around I found the return line is only 5/16” or equivalent mm. Clearly wasn’t allowing the FPR on engine to return enough fuel. My solution was to add a second FPR near the fuel cell up front, alleviating mosts of the flow before making it back to engine. Currently it is set to a static pressure of 60 psi.

Second, noticed a miniscule amount of hunting at idle. I couldn’t hear it, but Emre suggested a possible intake leak. Ordered a boost leak tester, learned how to use it and found two leaks. one from intake side and another on pressure side. Hopefully this resolves this tiny idle issue.

Third, something is acting strange with the bank 4-6 cam sensor. Doesn’t provide a stable reading giving serious pause to any tuning beyond idle. A little tracing confirmed sensor ground is properly connected and isolated from chassis ground; signal is connected to correct ECU pin; but the 5 volt reference is reading 12 V for some weird reason. No idea about this issue, but will need to track down soon.


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